- HSV1 Or Herpes Simplex Virus 1 is mainly responsible for the manifestation of Oral Herpes Symptoms like a cold sore (Fever Blisters).
- Millions of people having this infection, most of them don’t realize that herpes simplex virus has intruded their body.
- Ocular Herpes, otherwise known as Eye Herpes Infection, is A Complication that onsets on the eye.
Herpes is a term typically used to define an infection caused by HSV. HSV, otherwise known as Herpes Simplex Virus is of two different varieties including HSV1 and HSV2.
What is Herpes Meaning?
The Herpes Meaning Differs Person to Person, for some people herpes is an oral infection (Herpes Labialis) accompanied by cold sores, and for other people, it could be the infection of genital parts with the lesion and unbearable pain.
Many people having strong immunity don’t find themselves in any sort of sorrow, as their immune system disables HSV to replicate or to cause any harm to the body. In fact, millions of Americans have no realization that they are having Either Herpes Simplex Virus 1 or Herpes Simplex Virus 2 In their body.
The Pathogen Which Is Called Herpes Simplex Virus is Often Associated with Physical Infirmity and Extreme Mental Distress. America and other western country’s society sees herpes infection as a stigma which results in social isolation of the patient.
We have crafted some of the facts in info-graphic form. Have a look to get the clear idea about herpes virus.
What Are The Symptoms Of Herpes Simplex Virus Infection?
When we talk about the Symptoms of Herpes Infection, it often depends on the type of Herpes Simplex Virus you are affected with. Scientists have found two varieties of Herpes Virus that are typically responsible for the manifestation of Symptoms. The symptoms of herpes infection usually occur after 3 to 7 days being exposed to the herpes virus.
HSV1 Or Herpes Simplex Virus 1 is mainly responsible for the manifestation of Oral Herpes Symptoms like a cold sore (Fever Blisters). The Manifestation of other symptoms around your oral area or in your mouth may happen, this includes sores inside the mouth, gum, tongue or throat. Oral Herpes Infection may cause swollen lymph node of the neck accompanied with redness and pain.
Herpes Simplex virus 2 as in HSV-2 is another type of herpes virus affecting millions of people worldwide. This infection is infamous for some severe herpes infection symptoms. Genital Herpes Infection may infest some intolerable symptoms on genitals. Severe pain with blisters and sores are the collective identity of genital herpes Infection. Most of the herpes patient may also experience continuous malaise; Burning sensation accompanied by tingling, Fever, Anorexia (a type of mental illness) and tender lymph node.

You may get genital herpes symptoms on different genital parts of the body namely Penis, vulva, vagina, anal region, Scrotum, and inner thigh.
Why Is Herpes Infection Super Common World Wide?
I Don’t Know Who has hypothesized that nearly one-third of the world population may have Herpes Simplex virus. We Know that herpes infection is common but, the concept of one third creates doubt. No scientific evidence supports this hypothesis. As far as the question of why herpes simplex virus is ubiquitous, there are few things we should keep in mind.
The first thing, scientists have found that the herpes virus efficiently transmits from one person to another. Herpes virus does not need open wounds or mucous membrane to infect an individual.
It is saying that the herpes virus can intrude the body by simple skin to skin contact! This uncanny ability of herpes virus makes it highly contagious disease throughout the world. So, be aware of these virus as it is a super contagious pathogen and makes you vulnerable to more problematic symptoms.
The second reason is that millions of people having this infection, most of them don’t realize that herpes simplex virus has intruded their body. This fact seems frightening but, evidence supports this shit. When someone who doesn’t know that he or she has a herpes infection and involves in intimacy, the herpes virus gets a super chance of transmission and thriving.
Herpes Virus: Effect on Children
In America, baby are at higher risk of getting HSV1. The reason being, if a person who has herpes and is unaware of his herpes infestation, kisses a baby then there is a higher chances of transmission of HSV Virus in that baby. There is an instance exist where this exactly happens to an American Baby. You might be shocked to know that most of the people with herpes get exposure to the herpes infection in childhood (Reference: WHO). Sometimes, a baby may get exposed to herpes simplex virus during delivery.
Some preliminary and recent studies have found that herpes infection has more ability to infest severe symptoms in children than an adult. Infant or baby receives herpes symptoms more frequent than an adult because their immune system doesn’t resist herpes infection efficiently.
What Are The Complications Associated With Herpes Simplex Virus?
A vast number of mild to severe complications may take place if the patient is dealing with the weak immune system. We are not intended to frighten you but, it can cause some life-threatening complications, in a patient with a compromised immune system. However, the life-threatening complications are Atypical in majorities of patients.
Ocular Herpes, otherwise known as Eye Herpes Infection, is A Complication that onsets on the eye. HSV1 is a prime suspect of Eye Herpes. This Infection has to offer blurry Eye Vision, redness, inflammation of eyelid and the damage of cornea.
Some researchers have learnt that hearing impairment could happen in a patient with Herpes Infection. Anyone can be prey of hearing impairment, from a baby to an adult.
HIV is an infection that significantly and rapidly weakens the immune system. If an HIV patient has a herpes infection, believe me, the situation will be extremely frightening. A severe neurological complication is linked with herpes infection that may ultimately result in morbidity. Even if death not occurs, the patient may experience lasting neurological disability.
Encephalitis is a medical term which quotes severe inflammation of the brain. This inflammation may further cause many complications like thinking disability, seizure, epilepsy and problem with speech.
Bleeding during urination requires quick medical attention as it may be some severe health indication. Experts have observed that pain during sexual activities is moderately common in herpetic patients.