- A high-grade fever may accompany malaise, chills, and distress.
- Viral culture, PCR, ELISA, Blood test, Serology test, etc. are the tests that may confirm the viral presence.
Adisseminated infection of the skin co-occur with eczema-like features, can appear in response to the Herpes Simplex Virus. You can name this contamination
“Eczema Herpeticum (EH)” or “Kaposi varicelliform eruption.”
In almost all instances, some pre-existing cutaneous infections let Eczema Herpeticum erupt. Atopic dermatitis is the most common cause, though.
The ailment is quite rare, but associated complications are worth attentional. The eruption of Eczema, along with herpes virus, can stimulate serious health emergencies, even death instances can occur. Children and infants with Eczema are at a significant risk of developing Eczema Herpeticum.
“1887, the year when Kaposi outlined the disease for the first time. Hence, this disease named after Kaposi, and it is being called Kaposi varicelliform eruption.”
A Real-Life Case
We thoroughly scrutinized a real-life instance of Eczema Herpetic, where the patient initially misdiagnosed with Impetigo and Critical respiratory tract infection.
With having the past of continual Eczema, she admitted to a local clinic with a runny nose, shivering, and fever. Additionally, she had multiple Eczema injuries at the frontal area, including eye, cheeks, and forehead. She misdiagnosed here with impetigo and respiratory tract infection.
The medical professional proposed anti-bacterial medicines with some supplementary healing agents, but the temperature and other afflictions didn’t go.
In the inadequacy of appropriate medication, she left with some other complexities like malaise, discharge from the bruises, and unsatisfactory physical activities.
Considering the patient’s bad status, she moved to Pediatric OPD, where she received an empiric antibiotic but, fever persisted. She put to a more potent medicine but, no improvement observed.
Later on, with the consultation of a dermatologist, Eczema Herpeticum is finally diagnosed by the Tzanck examination. Then she received systematic antiherpetic drugs like Acyclovir and topical ointments. The symptoms significantly subsided by the use of antiviral medications.
The given case make us understand the pertinence of rightly diagnose the notorious viral infection “Eczema herpeticum.”
Carriers Responsible For The Eczema Herpeticum
Though in the majority of Eczema Herpeticum Diagnosis, Herpes simplex virus concluded as a carrier, it could be caused by other vectors too. Vaccinia Virus and Coxsackievirus A16 have detected in many diagnoses of Kaposi varicelliform eruption.
Just having carriers of Eczema Herpeticum is not adequate, the Herpes Virus requires pre-existing skin ailment to form such eruptions. Eczema, Burns, seborrheic dermatitis, Psoriasis, AD, and perhaps any ailment that causes skin lesion may assist herpes in causing such outbreaks.
Is Eczema Herpeticum Contagious?
Looking at the fact that it is a viral Eczema, the contagiousness is inherent in it.
Eczema Herpeticum is contagious to anyone who comes into contact with the open wounded lesion. However, even if the contamination occurs, Eczema Herpeticum will not appear in the absence of pre-existing skin disease. The exposed subject may develop the Herpes Simplex Infection, though.
If you are infected, we advise you not to conceal your suffering, as it can probably be a reason for herpes spread.
Eczema Herpeticum Symptoms
Eczema Herpeticum is distinguishable with some characteristics. The clinical presentation often begins with Papulovesicles that burst to set up the small ulcer. The ulcer can affect hands, face, upper trunk, neck, and any part influenced by pre-existing ailment.
A high-grade fever may accompany malaise, chills, and distress. Swollen Lymph Node and itchy blisters are symptoms of Eczema Herpeticum that present during the outbreak of EH. Rhinorrhea (runny nose), Poor physical activity, and in the state of emergency, the respiratory infection may appear.
All given signs don’t occur as soon as the exposure to the virus; it may need up to two weeks.
The Diagnosis
Eczema Herpeticum diagnosis usually made by seeing signs it displays during an outbreak. However, to confirm the herpes virus involvement, the general practitioners can recommend myriads of Tests, especially Tzanck.

Viral culture, PCR, ELISA, Blood test, Serology test, etc. are the tests that may confirm the viral presence. To know how Herpes tests diagnose such infections, you can click on our dedicated content: What is Herpes Test | Herpes Blood Test Accuracy | PCR Test for Herpes.
Eczema Herpeticum: A Medical Emergency
The occurrence of a medical emergency does not usually happen if the patient only exposed to the herpes virus. In the instance where Eczema finds exposure to Herpes, it might cause some severe complications. Ophthalmologic issues should be early recognized and considered as a medical emergency.
EH debilitates the immune function to some extent; hence, the medical practitioner should determine the patient’s immune system function. It is because suppressed immune response aggravates the symptoms to an extent level.
A high-grade fever is usual in EH infection; if it persists for several days, then the patient’s health condition is not up to the mark.
To prevent the medical emergency and demise, a quick diagnosis and systemic antiviral regimen is necessary.
Eczema Herpeticum Treatment
With the fact that it is an infection that deals with death, a proper eczema herpetic treatment, and post-treatment care is obligatory.
The therapy needs urgent follow up of antiherpetic drugs, and Acyclovir often fits best in the treatment regimen. Typically, the severe Eczema Herpeticum does not appear, but if it occurs, the following dose holds credibility: 0.15 gram/per kg/per day for a minimum of 5 days. It is not a professional advise and should not be treated as replacement to professional advise.
A high dose of Acyclovir relates to renal complications, stomach irritation, and toxicity; however, one can prevent it by adequate hydration.
If needed, the practitioner may prescribe Valacyclovir and antiviral topical ointment. The administration of analgesic medications often helpful in the management of pain.
Embracing the right regimen of Eczema Herpeticum treatment often heals wounds, lesions, and blisters. But, The formation of scarring of the skin as sequelae of EH may come into sight.
Take Away
Eczema Herpeticum is a notorious type of skin lesion, known to leave some severe sequels behind. Lack of right treatment establishes a medical emergency, and if not treated well, it may cause death.
The diagnosis factor is sensitive in the EH case, quick and the right diagnosis can prevent the unfavourable outcome, whereas delaying can follow cause detrimental sequelae.
The EH patient needs prompt requirement of Antivirals with proper medical care.