- Herpes Simplex Virus is categorized as a highly transmissible ailment, owning the ability to pass through direct contact with sores.
- Early detection helps people to take the necessary action against herpes infection.
- IgG, otherwise known as Immunoglobulin test is a kind of blood test that has helped numerous people to identify herpes infection.
Today the topic of the day is “What is Herpes Test.” The prevalence of Herpes Infection is now started frightening the people of all regions, whether you belong to the industrialized world or developing countries. A World Health Organization’s report verifies that perhaps 3.7 billion people are currently dealing with herpes infection. No other disease has that kind of a huge number in terms of prevalence.
A content published on Wikipedia “Epidemiology of Herpes Simplex” has even more frightening numbers. In this article, it is asserted that approximately 90% of the world population is already affected with herpes infection. An NCBI post claims that in America, about 40 to 50 million human being are the prey of this contagious infection and 600,000 to 800,000 new cases occur every year (America Statistics).
These frightening numbers may easily encourage an individual to get an appointment for an HSV test. Last month I visited a renowned hospital in search of whether herpes infection is in me or not. Fortunately, all the herpes tests were found negative. I was fortunate but, not everyone. We recommend people from all regions to get tested herpes infection especially if you belong to a developed world like America or you are living in a high prevalence area.
Why the Early Detection of Herpes Ailment Imperative?

Herpes Simplex Virus is categorized as a highly transmissible ailment, owning the ability to pass through direct contact with sores. People with herpes can transmit herpes simplex virus without having any symptoms or wounds.
Early detection helps people to take the necessary action against herpes infection. Early HSV test also allows people to take preventive measures to stop the further transmission of this virus. The most important thing of early herpes infection test is, you can help your baby not to be the victim of herpes causing pathogen.
What Are the Available Herpes Test?
If you are suspecting yourself that you might have been exposed to the herpes virus, the only way to be sure is getting yourself examined for herpes. The reason being, some STDs like syphilis can cause similar symptoms like a herpes infection. It will be highly appreciated by “HerpesCureCare.com” if you ask your doctor to test you for herpes infection even if you are not having any symptoms. We want to pay your attention to some major herpes test available at present.
PCR Test for Herpes Or Polymerase Chain Reaction Test
The Accuracy of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR test for Herpes) test can’t be questioned; as most of the time, it provides accurate information. This is the most reliable HSV test that detects the DNA of herpes virus. This test is also used to distinguish Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and Herpes Simplex Virus 2. The analysis is typically performed on the fluids collected from the sore, lesion or on the blood. The obtained sample then sent to the lab to determine the herpes presence. This test is considered more reliable than viral culture test. PCR test for herpes is not a time-consuming test, most people receive PCR test result within 24 hours (In some cases, it may be longer).
Herpes Blood Test
For Centuries, the blood test has been used to diagnose extensive range of ailments including cancer, aids, tuberculosis, anemia so on. HSV test or Herpes Blood Test is not an exclusion of it.
The physician often indicates Herpes blood test for the detection of herpes infection. IgG, otherwise known as Immunoglobulin test is a kind of blood test that has helped numerous people to identify herpes infection. IgG test can be reliable but, it has limitation. IgG HSV test typically does not provide a correct diagnosis until a patient is suffering from it for a few months.
There is another Herpes blood test that is specified to identify the herpes pathogen namely IgM. It is scientifically verified that IgM is the first antibody that our body makes to fight off infection. This IgM antibody creates by our body’s B cells (A kind of white blood cells). As it is a first antibody that our body forms during infection, the doctor often recommends this test to be done in the process of herpes detection.
Viral Culture Test
Getting Tested for Herpes Simplex Virus with Viral Culture test can be considered as a good choice. The credibility of its test result is highly appreciated in the laboratory test.
Doctors typically recommend this test when an outbreak happens similar to herpes infection. The doctor recommends getting tested within 48 hours after the outbreak has taken place. Sometimes the analysis is time-consuming. Therefore, it may take up to one week to get the HSV test result.
How Reliable Does All the Herpes Test? | Herpes Blood Test Accuracy
No matter the kind of HSV test you are opting to get tested for herpes infection, there is always a chance to get a false result. Several reasons can influence the herpes test result. If a patient gets tested for herpes within 24 hours he is exposed to herpes; it is likely not to get a positive result, because our immunity takes time to make antibodies against herpes infection.
Many instances have occurred where people were not a victim of herpes, but the test result showed positive. Conversely, People who were affected by the Herpes Simplex Virus got negative diagnosis. Herpes diagnosis is a delicate matter, so all the physician need to verify the outcome twice before it is given to the patient. The herpes Blood test accuracy should be verified in order to find out the type of herpes. If your physician doesn’t ask you for another test, but you think that the result may be false, ask the doctor for the second test.
The Life After Herpes Diagnosis!
A positive herpes test result doesn’t come alone; it brings intense sorrow, strong emotions and a wide range of health complications. Sometimes the patient may be suicidal. A positive herpes diagnosis often forces herpes patients to think like the End of Life. Depression and other mental conditions are quite common in a herpes patient. Herpes patients often have some questions in their mind when they first get a positive HSV test.
How the society react to this, what if I would be the reason for affecting such ailment to my loved ones, will the society accept me, can it be treated for good and so on. Most of the time herpes patient avoid social gatherings such as a party or marriage ceremony. The shame prevents them from living life to the fullest. Due to Herpes infection, sometimes people found to have confined themselves in a secluded room.
The Conclusion- Grasp the Core Theme
You may or may not be the victim of this notorious virus, the crux of the matter is, people should not be frightened if they got diagnosed with herpes virus. A single-time performed herpes blood test doesn’t give you the clear picture of the diagnosis.
We, Herpes Cure Care Team are strongly recommend taking another practice of your herpes test. We also believe that neither herpes nor other diseases should be prominent enough to control one’s life. Our team of expert researchers will always try to hand you with latest researches that are authentic and fruitful for the welfare of the society.